One of my old standbys, and forgive me if I have posted this before, is roasted vegetables. Total comfort food in the fall. It's my "go to meal" (yes, meal). I just throw in some veggies (usually root vegetables) drizzling some Olive Oil (EVOO, if you may), some kosher salt and toss in some garlic for flavor (sometimes rosemary too). I usually roast carrots, potatoes, onions etc... this way. Roasting them around 375 degrees seems to pull out the sweetness. When the ends turn brown and start to carmelize, you know they are perfect. I also made some butternut squash this way last night and it was so good. I wish I had made more. I seriously couldn't stop eating it. Never thought I would say that about butternut squash.
As I mentioned previously, I haven't really been cooking many new things. My recent meals have been a lot of the same old same old. I love French Onion Soup. And I love Chili. I am hoping as the holiday time arrives, I will add some new recipes to my rotation. And that bring me to this....
As Thanksgiving approaches, I am facing a dilemma. It's just me David & the kids, and one of the kids is a vegetarian, so a "tradional" Thanksgiving meal just doesn't seem appropriate. I have also lost ALMOST 30lbs in the last year and a half (well, if we must be exact, 27), so I don't want to over indulge. Additionally, I am running my second 5k that morning, so coming home to a huge turkey and butter laden foods seem counter productive. We have entertained the idea of going out, but I still want to cook. I was thinking of going vegetarian with our Thanksgiving meal in a way to attempt to eat better. I don't want the Pioneer Woman's mashed potatoes (as good as they are, I need to pass on the whole bar of cream cheese, plus a stick of butter) and I definitely don't need a 12lbs turkey.
What should I make?
I was thinking some of the delicious roasted butternut squash that I mentioned above, perhaps some wild rice, some cranberry sauce. Any ideas or suggestions for me? Please share!
CONGRATULATIONS on the weight loss! That's awesome. As for a suggestion...I would still have to have mashed potatoes. You could boil them in chix bouillon, mash with a bit of fat free sour cream or cream cheese and spray butter to keep the calories down. Enjoy your holiday.