Ah... it's so nice to cook at home again. I missed it so much. When I went to the store on Tuesday, I knew I would be buying a lot. I tried to do my best to make a list from recipes that I wanted to make. My mother in law was shocked that I wasn't using coupons. Well... most of my list was FRESH! There's no coupons for fresh veggies. This made me happy.
I don't remember where I read it, but I read SOMEWHERE that bargain shoppers are like bottom feeders. They are buying the crap. The junk. The cheap stuff. You get a coupon for Hamburger Helper, and you can get like 10 of them for $5. Or you have coupons for chips or hot dogs. Get the point. It felt good to not be a bottom feeder anymore.

Anyway, back to the point. Because I knew I would be working a lot starting Wednesday night, I wanted something easy, but good. I wanted a crock pot recipe. But after the vacation, I knew I wanted vegetarian. I also knew the kids wouldn't eat it. I Googled "vegetarian crock pot recipes". I got lots of lentils. Lots beans. I didn't want these. One caught my eye.
Slow Cooker Mediterranean Stew. Yum. It even reminded me of the ratatouille. A little. I didn't include the squash - mainly because it's not squash season so I didn't see a lot out. But I didn't need it. My crock pot was FULL!
I served it over brown rice with a side salad. Holy yum. Loved it. It is going to be my lunch tomorrow. I had a totally vegetarian day and loved it.
What did the kids eat, you ask? Well... brown rice. They like rice. Yay! I also cooked a little broccoli, cut up a few strawberries for the girl, a veggie burger for the boy. It was all good.
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