Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Hittin the Motherload

Last weekend was Mother's Day. A few years ago, my favorite mom moved away from her favorite daughter (sniff). As her only human child (there are furry ones as well), this holiday is starred, highlighted, bold and set up with both 1- and 2-week reminders on my calendar so that I don't miss it (this is why I'm her favorite daughter -- lucky her). Babs also has the same situation with her lovely and sweet mother (Hi Mrs. Robinson!). We only-children with single parents have a lot of pressure and guilt (and we understand how important it is), so we try and do our best. It helps that we have awesome moms.

Anyway, my mom has a food itch like I've never known. Most sweets and desserts just don't cut it. No pie, no cake, no cobblers or cookies. No no.. Chocolate *only* please. She's not just any average chocoholic. If it doesn't include DARK CHOCOLATE, then she puts down her eating utensil and steps away from the table. It's just not worth it. And it HAS to be dark chocolate. Milk and whatever that "white" stuff claims to be (puh-lease) is just not good enough. As one who likes to cook, I know that I better make the dessert with dark chocolate unless I plan on eating alone.

Lucky for her, she makes this so well known to everyone (she's not much of a hinter), that I decided to bake up some Chewy Brownies (uncopyrighted free version) for Mother's Day to send to her. This recipe has been twice recommended to me, even from a source who claims to be 'picky about my chocolate.' Well, ok then. Plus, it's a Cooks recipe, so I have a fairly good chance of success. And they are SO FREAKING GOOD and easy to make (hellllooo sugar!) that I'll definitely be making these again.

I also decided to make some sugar scrub labeled as Gardener's Soap. Fun and easy. I sent that along with a pretty silver spoon with the word 'mom' inscribed on it.

Oh, and one more thing was in that big box o' love. A rag rug I crocheted from fabric to match her new red decor kitchen. Now this one took a long time to make and I butted up against the mail deadline a little too close for comfort (the night before I had to send it). However, I think it looks great and was worth all the effort. Even Rob ripped some of the fabric strips for me. Colby made sure many of the fabric balls had a loop or two around the living room (in his mouth), and even the cat took a nap atop it. What a great gift. Happy Mother's Day Mom!

1 comment:

  1. this one HAPPY MOM is loving this post!! Thank you.....thank you (as I drop choco crumbs onto the raggy rug)!
